Hi! I'm Michael.
I'm here to help you experience the Universe in a way no one else can.
Get answers for anything & more! I do not see your questions or answers.
No one else on Earth connects you quite like this - meet, hear & see the beautiful beings who are here to support you on your journey.
Get advice, feel their unconditional love, receive hugs and healing, and see light before you. They may appear in human form too.
Connect with Angels, Native American Chiefs, figures from India (e.g., the Divine Mother, Lakshmi, Krishna, Ganesh ...), Light Beings, Galactic Beings plus many others like Mary, Buddha, Quan Yin, Plato, Jesus ...
Reconnect with passed-over loved ones & pets.
Hundreds of loving beings are ready to assist,
and people may jointly hear and see Angels,
leaving no room for doubt.
Get unstuck and see the bigger picture.
Hear gentle calls to action with specific steps
to take to transform your life, career or business.
Find your vision and new sources of wisdom.
Let Angels show you your unique path ahead, with clear goals and the confidence to act on them. Business people can get detailed insights.
Angels also bring you your truths, can alter your path and are fun to meet as you get help with your decision making.
Shift from thinking to your heart, where all is truly possible. Expand your awareness and enhance your intuitive abilities greatly.
Slowing down to interact with Angels is a compassionate and effortless act. Simply Be. Then, fall in love with life again!
Everything is direct so get ready to see Michael's light plus Angelic light in the air (colors, white or rainbow light plus "light symbols").
Start with the silhouette of an actual Angel in the photo above before seeing full-on. Or take a baby step. Let Michael gently whoosh energy through 2 computer screens to you. Feel Love and Light come in.
No matter what steps you take, remember that you have no limits.
Need extra assurance? Check out 101 video/ written testimonials or read his 2x #2 Amazon bestselling book, endorsed by Anita Moorjani.
As one Angel puts it, "Michael connects you to yourself and the Universe without a barrier."
Discover the timeless love of Audrey Hepburn (an Angel!). Book your session today to interact with her and other Angels straightaway.

Need more encouragement? Watch Michael's Show,
where guests often listen to Angels, catch the scent of lit sage through 2 screens and see Michael's light.
Experience this for yourself.
Michael loves to teach about the Universe and everything it provides.
Discover who you are, your life's purpose, and how to get there.
Get ALL your answers. The record? 48 pages of answers in 9 hours.
How does this work?
Ask Angels and guides any business or life questions to receive
heartfelt and in-depth responses. Angels grasp the full picture.
They speak every language and dialect with humor too.
While that's cool, something else mind-blowing happens.
Angels know how to navigate your personality,
and everyone else's, to connect with perfect clarity.
They say everything just right - every time,
and their reassuring advice lifts you instantly.
And there's more...
Their hugs can bring healing.
Also, some meet Angels in full human form - yes, you read this right.
Picture sipping coffee with five Angels at a café.
The crucial question is what will you allow for?
Michael helps shift how you exist and see.
Ready to join up with this universal team?
Here's a glimpse of who's waiting:
• 100's of Angels, including Archangels Michael, Gabriel, Rafael, Uriel, etc.,
plus Audrey Hepburn and "Abe" who is the Abraham of old
• NATIVE AMERICAN FIGURES: Dull Knife, Red Shirt, Geronimo,
White Buffalo Calf Woman, Crazy Horse, Red Cloud,
Black Elk, Chief Joseph & Sitting Bull
• Chögyam Trungpa, Thích Nhât Hanh, Lao Tsu, Joshu...
• God, Mary, Mohammad, Buddha, Quan Yin, Jesus...
• Saint Francis, Saint Anthony & Saint Gerard
• Mandela, Martin Luther King, Mother Teresa, Einstein, Carl Jung,
Steve Jobs, Sylvia Browne, Debbie Ford, Elvis, Ram Dass & Chico Xavier
• Plato, Socrates, Marcus Aurelius, Seneca, Rumi, Joseph Campbell & Socrates
• INDIA: Divine Mother & Tiger, Sri Shirdi Sai Baba (1838 - 1918), Vishnu, Krishna, Ganesh, Lakshmi, Indra, Sri Kaleshwar, Shakti, Rama, Patanjali, Durga, Anandamayi Ma, Meher Baba, Maharishi, Shiva, Krishnamurti, H. W. L. Poonja, Mahavatar Babaji,
Paramahansa Yogananda, Kali, Bhagawan Nityananda, Gandhi, and others
• Light Beings (e.g, SETH, Zoroaster ...), Lemurians, a couple from Atlantis...
• Pleiadians, Andromedans, Lyrans, Arcturians, plus ones from Sirius, Orion...
• Jaguar Spirit & Spirit Animals: Hummingbird, Eagle, Red-Tailed Hawk, Wolf, etc.
• Freja & Odin plus Venus & Mercury
• Elephant & Dolphin Consciousness
• A Jinn who represents East Asian Mysticism
• Kapuna Auntie Margaret & a beautiful Aboriginal Cleverman/ Healer
• Meet your favorite trees around you & chat with your pets, birds & animals
• Faeries (e.g., Ginger, Tinker Bell - see 2018 Omega Institute staffer testimonial)

Meet your Guardian Angel, the Angel helping you with this life stage and other Angels on your personal team. With Angels' help, hear and see passed-over loved ones and pets.
Angels are happy to assist with all matters, plus they’ll shed light on your unique life path & the opportunities before you. Experience, via the highest intent, more Love and Compassion. Plus there's lots of amazing hugs with tons of support and humor as well as healing.
Trust that Angels exist. Get a very special experience.
Expand your awareness.
Open up to your already existing intuitive skills within.
And, most importantly, have fun!
Smile more. Think less. Walk a smoother path.
Hope is here. Be more Love and share more Love.
Book your one-hour session now!
"The knowledge of heavenly Angels
is made available to us in this powerful little book
as we learn how to communicate, receive guidance, enhance our intuition and obtain divine access
to the unlimited universal power of the Angels.
A must read."
Anita Moorjani
3x NY Times Best-Selling Author
January 25, 2023
A 9/27/23 testimonial (1 min) from Australian Katrina Collins.
She's the founder of Butterfly Media, a digital marketing & advertising agency.
A wonderful 3/20/23 testimonial (2:38) from Healer Amy Stark.
She is a scientific lab-certified psychic medium.
A 3/31/22 testimonial (2:07) from ATX's Skip Kelly on his January session.
Skip is a multi-talented guy and podcast host.
A 2/22/22 testimonial (1:30) from Buddhist Chaplain Mark Shimada in Prague
on his session with Michael. Mark is also an artist, coach,
speaker, consultant & CEO of a non-profit.
A 10/14/21 testimonial (1:20 min) from Healer, Author & Podcast/ Radio Host
Paula Vail in Tacoma, Washington. Her multi award-winning book is "Why Am I So Happy?" Her "Elevating Your Life" show airs on NYC KMET 1490 AM and on KMET TV (Southern CA market of 3.5mm viewers).
Lisette in Sweden provides this 10/3/21 testimonial in English & Swedish (2 min).
She met Mother Teresa back in India in 1997 to adopt two infants
and then got to meet her again in 2021, plus tons of Angels, of course!
A 5/7/21 testimonial from Norway's Nickolas Ite (2 min) on a session with Michael.
If you are going to watch one testimonial, this is it!
In 12+ years, 2,000+ people have heard, felt & seen Angels
(jointly too) via Michael, including people with these backgrounds:
• Director of Eckhart Tolle's "Milton's Secret" Film (with Donald Sutherland)
• Chopra Center for Wellbeing (2) & the California Institute for Human Science
• The Buddhist teacher in Jack Canfield's "The Soul of Success" Documentary
• UC San Diego (3), Columbia's Spirituality Mind Body Institute (2) & Stanford
• A White House Physician to the US President (Rear Admiral, USN (ret.))
• Former Well-Known Meteorologist from the Weather Channel
• Former Executive Producer at the Oprah Winfrey Show
• Documentary film makers (2 Emmy-nominated)
• Discovery Channel "UFO Witness" Show Host
• A top-3 Executive at Austin City Limits
• Cast Member from "The Secret" Film
• Esalen Institute & Omega Institute (4)
• 1440 Multiversity Faculty Members (4)
• TikTok Star with 1.2 million Audience
• An Oprah Super Soul Sunday Guest
• A Good Morning America Reporter
• Contestant from "The Apprentice"
• A former Harvard Neurosurgeon
• Chair of the Galileo Commission
• Faculty at The Shift Network (4)
• 5x California Yoga Champion
• Staff at The Shift Network (3)
• A Native Hawaiian Elder
• A United States Senator
• BBC Guest Presenter
• A Buddhist Chaplain
• TED Talk Speakers
• A CNBC Anchor
• 70 On-Air Show Hosts
• A former HeartMath CEO
• Omega Institute Teachers
• Well-Known NDE Survivors
• Berlin State Opera Ballerina
• A Pullitzer-nominated Author
• A Grammy-nominated Singer
• Founder/ CEO of Serasana Spa
• A top-100 SEO leader in the US
• An Oprah Super Soul 100 Teacher
• The ex-CEO of a real estate concern
• A top person at the Monroe Institute
• Former editor of the Elephant Journal
• A National Geographic Society Fellow
• A European, well-established Scientist
• A well-known Happiness Psychologist
• Former Canyon Ranch Spiritual Director
• A person who worked for Tony Robbins
• Rodale and Simon & Schuster executives
• A well-known United States Congressman
• History Channel "Ancient Aliens" Producer
• A dentist who taught at Columbia University
• Owner of a top nursery chain in New Mexico
• A former global Hyatt Hotels Senior Executive
• A literary agent who represented Patch Adams
• A former staffer at Spirit Rock Meditation Center
• 2 people who studied under Sri Kaleshwar in India
• A Visiting Teacher at Spirit Rock Meditation Center
• New York Post reporter & Dalai Lama Fellows person
• Actress who appeared on "The Bob Newhart Show"
• Another actress on ABC's Soap Opera "One Life To Live"
• A former Miss Hawai'i, a Broadway Actress & an ex-Miss USA
• Actress on Scandinavia's longest running soap "Hotel Caesar"
• 2 former or current GAIA(M) TV executives/ on-air personalities
• Capital Factory staffer, plus a startup founder & executive there
• Austin Opera Chairman & a former Austin City Council member
• Delta Force, Army Ranger, USAF Officer, West Point & USNA Graduates
• A co-founder of Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health, plus 2 senior staff types
• Director of a foundation created by actor Jim Carrey + author Eckhart Tolle
• Various doctors, RN’s, veterinarians (4) & a 20-year Seton Hospital director
• Alternatives UK Co-Founder (UK Mind Body Spirit group founded in 1982)
• Well known life coach who's on Today Show, GMA, Dr. Oz, with Oprah...
• PLUS Authors with books released by these various publishing houses:
• Atria Books, an imprint of Simon & Schuster • Currency, an imprint of Crown Publishing Group • Hachette Books • HarperOne • Wiley • Sounds True • Hay House • Beyond Words Publishing • New Harbinger • New World Library • Hampton Roads Publishing • Rodale Book • HCI Books • Balboa Press
No matter one’s background,
there’s always room for expansion and improvement.
Thinking itself is the only obstacle.
Credibility comes easily since this is direct.
You do it all. Listen, feel & see!
"This service is unique enough to the point
many communities (e.g., spiritual, wellness, publishing...)
are unaccustomed to embracing it." - Angels
• See auras (color, white or rainbow light plus colors beyond our definition).
• Photos of Angels - static photos may move/ change color.
• Historical photos move, smile, wink, eyebrow goes up...
• 3 color blind people see color via Angelic light.
• Meet guardian angels of kids, pets and family members.
• Blow out your intuitive skills, plus gain confidence.
• See your soul in the sky like an aurora borealis.
• Walk the Akashic Records with Angels (eyes closed).
• People may hear & see as a group. Own this experience solo first.
• Let Angels bring you a hummingbird made of rainbow light!
• Visit India, a Native American setting, Tibet, a Middle East oasis, Ancient Egypt, and a dozen other spots interdimensionally. Sit with Angels and others for a ceremony. In Hawaii, surf with Angels - you KNOW how to hang ten like a PRO! 10 minutes here is 15-20 minutes there. Amazing!
Angels exist.
Allow for this possibility and your answers and more will come.
Allow for more in each moment.
"They exist within and around you, co-exist!" - 4 Angels
"They come in all colors, shapes and sizes." - Red Shirt
"They are waiting by your side when you need them." - Dull Knife
Whatever you allow for in life is what you bring in.
Allow for more Love.
Grow your Awareness, not your thinking!
Honor who you truly are.
Let Angels assist you today.
Literally, hundreds have posed this question to various Angels, Mary, Mother Teresa, Geronimo, etc., especially in the early years when Michael donated his time.
This often appeared on Q&A sheets people used with Angels, helping them grasp
Michael's role, while deepening his own understanding of how he heals with Angels.
Here are responses directly from Angels about Michael quoted verbatim:
- Helps People See, Feel & Hear Angels
- Helps You Open Your Heart
- Helps Connect You with Your Potential
- Shows Path Ahead & Gives Comfort
- Gives & Teaches Compassion
- Intuitive Development
- Helps Others Find Who They Are, What Their Purpose in Life Is & How To Get There
- Helps People Find Their Lost Paths & Joys
- Introduces You to New Sources of Wisdom
- Connects You to Parts of Yourself That Have Atrophied
- Keeps You Working on Yourself
- Shows People the Love Inside
- Helps People Open to Support & Connection to the Unseen
- Brings Fun Playful Energy
- Clearing Energy & Tools
- Parent, Coach, Friend, Consultant, Surveyor, Healer, Non-Conformist, Teacher, The Boatsman, Free Spirit, Shaman Friend, like a Midwife, & Aide
- Helps You to Search for Your Answers, to Find Others & to Express Results
- Assists You to Uncover a Path, Pushes You Forward & Encourages
- Focuses People on Positive Energies
- Makes Cosmic Connections
- Shows the Way through Many Questions to One Answer
- Gets Everyone Singing from Same Music Sheet
- Changes the Direction of the Desert Wind
- Opens Heart, Helps You to Remember Why You're Here & What You Exist to Do, and Helps You Stay on the Path
- Helps You Expand Your Gifts
- Assists You to Get In Touch with Your Inner Being
- Loves Himself for Others to Experience
- Teaches More is Possible & Unwavering Confidence
- Helps You Out of Your Head & Into the Heart
- How to Take Your Skills to the Next Level
- Teaches Validation, Confidence, Understanding & Faith Itself
- How to Find Your Energy & What You Should Already Know
- Brings Out Warrior Spirit Coyote Medicine
- Wants Everyone to Know Their Angels
- Wants Us All to Have Peace
- Teaches That You Have the Power to Change & Be What You Want
- He is a Shaman Friend
- Makes People Remember How to Love
- Channels Energy
- Reminds People Who They Are
- He Points Out the Pathway to Reach The Horizon
Makes People Smile
Shows Possibilities
Spiritual Guidance without Dogma
Helps You to Meet & Tame Ego
Shows Other Healers How to Expand
Shows What's Always Been in Life & Around You
Teaches How to See Things Differently
Assists with Overall Wellness
Helps You See Bigger Picture, Especially When Stuck in Old Orbits
Shows People Their Worth & Purpose in World
Brings Out Warrior Spirit Coyote Medicine
Moves People into Their Heart
Shows a Clear Path with Clear Goals & How to Act on Them
Opens the Door to "Our" Realm for Others to Experience (Archangel Gabriel said that one.)
Sees & Photographs the Energy of Guides, Angels & Elementals
Supports You to Grow in Wisdom
Provides a Way to Discover Your Inner Answers
Supports You to Channel Your Highest Self
Helps You to Lose the Ego & Relax the Mind
Acts as a Resource for Other Knowledge & Guides
Fills Heart with Love so You can Connect Above
Creates Your Call to Action with Angel Process
Comforts You & Reiterates What You Already Know
Teaches You to Notice Things - What's Right in Front of You
Helps People Connect with Personal Angels & Angels He Knows
Provides Opportunity for Growth & Expansion
Teaches Other World. Spirit.
Helps People to Find What is Needed Within Themselves Instead of Seeking it from Outside Sources
Helps You Look Past Distraction
Validates Your Truth, Encourages Your Track & Sees What You Lack
How to Connect The Dots & Make the Sum Larger than the Parts
Teaches What You Know, Mindfulness & Spirituality
Opens Your Door, Self Love & Let Go of the Past
Wants to Rid the World of Anger
How to Love Yourself
Helps You Let Go of Self (aka Ego)
Helps Others Find Themselves
Transdimensional Channeling for a Multidimensional Experience
He Crushes Limits
Aligns Human and Divine Energy to Move Mankind Forward
Teaches Opening Openness
Loves to Teach Others About the Universe &
Everything the Universe Provides
Remember that Angels and you take all the steps together.
Allow, Ask & Receive!
Back at the start of all of this, Michael asked Angels for a name to call his service. He slept on it and was given the name "Whisk" from an Angel named Charlotte.
So Michael turned the act of helping folks let go to meet Angels into "Whisking."
A full "Whisk" session is about Creative Transformation.
Open your heart and let Angels help
with your life, career & business needs.
The word "WHISK" makes lots of sense
with all the definitions below.
Also, Charlotte was being super creative!
WHISK is also an acronym, based on a random comment Michael received more than a decade ago.
Angels turned a few lemons into lemonade,
and they sure did a great job!

© 2024 Michael André Ford